Home Rejected for contents insurance, now what?

Refused contents insurance, now what?

There are various reasons why you may be refused contents insurance. For example, you may pay the bill too late or it may be lost when you move house. If you often pay too late, this can of course have consequences. Insurers can consider this a valid reason to refuse you.

Also when you want to claim too much, this can have consequences for your home insurance. It also depends on how many claims you want to make in a certain period of time. Insurers can penalise multiple claims with a premium increase, a reduction in cover or ultimately the cancellation of your household insurance policy.

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contents insurance refused

CIS: Central Information System

Stichting CIS is an abbreviation for Central Information System. This system is maintained by the various insurers. Only insurers and authorised agents can access this national database. This database stores data of persons who have committed fraud or have never paid anything. When an insurer registers you with CIS, you will be informed of this in writing. Stichting CIS is also known by the term "Blacklist".

Would you like to purchase Vereende contents insurance? Calculate your premium!

In the following situations, insurers can refuse your home contents insurance:

  • Non-payment of the premium
  • Criminal record
  • Driving disqualification
  • Committing fraud
  • (Too many) damages
  • Uninsured for too long
  • Young driver in combination with a fast/expensive vehicle

Insurers do not have to accept every customer. They can decide for themselves who they want as a customer. Only health insurers are obliged to accept everyone for the basic insurance. When applying for new insurance, insurers consult the database of Stichting CIS. Stichting CIS registers data of people who have been involved in fraud, damages and driving disqualifications.

How can I avoid being refused?

The examples mentioned above, such as late payment or fraud, can be reasons for an insurer to refuse you. Of course, it may happen that you pay a bill too late. This is not a very big problem. It only becomes a problem when you start paying late systematically. The result is that you will be registered as a defaulter in the CIS database. To prevent this, it is important that you pay your invoices on time.

What can I do if I am refused?

We at inboedelverzekering.nl always think with you. If you have been denied, we can still find a suitable option for you. Initially, we will try to place you with a regular insurer. When this does not succeed, we will think of an alternative. Usually you can always go to De Vereende (formerly Rialtio). The insurance company will almost always accept an insurance, but the premiums are many times higher than with regular companies. In addition, the premium must often be paid in advance for the first 3 months.

Want to know more?

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can also always reach us at 085 - 029 5182. You can also use our tool to calculate the premium for your household insurance. You can find this tool at the bottom of this page.

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